How to Give

Offering-How.jpgGiving is an act of worship, no matter when we give or how we give.

The Offering Plate - you can place cash or a check made out to King of Kings Lutheran Church in the Offering Plate.

Please note: Offering Envelopes are provided for church members, to ensure your donations are recorded.

Online Giving - a convenient and easy way for you to make a tax-deductible contribution to King of Kings. You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring gift. You have control, so it's easy to make adjustments and it's completely safe and secure.  

Mobile Giving - a convenient and easy way for you to make a tax-deductible contribution to King of Kings. You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring gift. You have control, so it's easy to make adjustments and it's completely safe and secure.  

Simply Giving - green forms are available on the Opportunities Counter, in the Fellowship Center, to set up automated giving, without a computer. Please complete the form and return it to the church office.

Text Giving - Give by Text is also an option at King of Kings.  The dedicated Give by Text number for King of Kings is (319) 382-0309.  For further instructions, click here.

Giving By Mail - your offering can be sent by mail directly to:
King of Kings Lutheran Church
3275 N Center Point RD
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
Please add the word "offering" in the memo line.

Stock Contributions
Gifts of appreciated stock can be a very tax-wise way to support ministry at King of Kings Lutheran Church. For information on how to make a stock gift, contact Jonathan Offt, Church Administrator, at 319-393-2438 or

Planned Giving
Leave a legacy of faith with a planned gift to ministry. To find out how you can leave a legacy through a gift from your estate, reduce taxes in favor of charitable giving or for sample verbiage to remember King of Kings in your will, contact Jonathan Offt, Church Administrator, at 319-393-2438 or

Thrivent members, please consider directing your "Thrivent Choice Dollars" to King of Kings Lutheran Church.

Matching Gifts
Multiply the impact of your gift and fund more ministry with your company’s matching gift program.